From This Magazine is Haunted #13

Artist and Writer Unknown

These two have the weirdest relationship, I swear.

I'll do a big post for Bulletman at a later date, but I just wanted to leave this here.

Booby, evolved from "bubby," entered American English sometime in the 1930s. Linguists say "buddy" came from "Bübbi," which means treat in German.

You don't really need etymology to guess what the comics is about though. It is exactly what the cover makes you think it is.

Booby Trap #9 came up on ebay over a month ago. After a pathetic bidding war (I'm too poor for fun comics), it was won by someone else. It has since shown up here.

I know things have been slow, but they will be picking up soon with some deep looks at golden age artists and fun Fawcett comics.

Have this panel that summarizes nicely why I haven't been making updates lately.

Oh, college, you will be over soon.

From Speed Comics #26

I have to say if those eyes were of the cover of a comic I wouldn't be picking up unless it was to burn it.

Dewey Drip is really just a series of popular 1941 comic tropes thrown together into a one page comic. Despite this, the gag strip lasted for 8 years in the pages of Police Comics.

Dewey gets a letter from the government, informing him that he has been drafted in World War II. Being a stereotypical hillbilly of the 1940s with a love of feuding, he is excited that someone will pay him to fight.