Sunday, March 31, 2013

Commercial Interruption #8

From Speed Comics #26
I have to say if those eyes were of the cover of a comic I wouldn't be picking up unless it was to burn it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dewey Drip

Police Comics #20

Dewey Drip is really just a series of popular 1941 comic tropes thrown together into a one page comic. Despite this, the gag strip lasted for 8 years in the pages of Police Comics.

Dewey gets a letter from the government, informing him that he has been drafted in World War II. Being a stereotypical hillbilly of the 1940s with a love of feuding, he is excited that someone will pay him to fight. While hillbilly humor wasn't unique to gag pages--or even to Police Comics--Dewy's situational humor held him in the book.

Dewey Drip was created by Joe Devlin. He is credited with all of the strips artwork and writing. Of course some credible sources say he died in 1942, so it is in question.

As the war ended and Dew returned to his normal, zany hillbilly life, the strip began slowly falling into the back pages. He is absent from #63-64. #67-69, #71-82, and #89. Dewy made his last appearance in Police Comics #93 (August 1949).

Police Comic #21
Police Comics 22
Police Comics #23
Police Comics #70

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What Would Women Talk About Without Men?

Before you get excited, a text story from the pages of Dizzy Dames is no deeper than its comics pages.

Still this is worth the time to read this one page story from Dizzy Dames #5.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Commercial Interruption #7

Atomic Comics #1
Learning to fly a plane use to be so much easier in the 1940s.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

"Super Health" Tips from 1939

If a healthier life was your new years resolution, Superman has some tips for you.

Disclaimer: Following these will not give you super powers.
Action Comics #2
Just in case you worried Superman stop giving health advice after the golden age, here is a PSA from Superfriends circa 1977.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Be like Wonder Woman

Sensation Comics #8 (1942)
by William Moulton Marston & H.G. Peter