Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Black Terror & Tim

When it was superhero chic to wear gold and purple one brave pharmacist would jump on to the scene dressed in black, a skull and crossbones across his chest.

The Black Terror joined the superhero boom in Exciting Comics #9. Six months after his introduction, he had his own comic. The only other character from the publisher to have the honor being the Fighting Yank.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicSince his golden age run he has been echoed by imitators and revived to make a number of appearances. Most recently, he is appearing in Project Superpowers. Since I made a post for Flame Girl, and I plan one for Miss Masque, I knew I had to make one for him and Tim. I wanted to show off how much of a loser interesting he was.

Now, you can see how it all got started.

Go read it on scans daily!

1 comment:

Captain Blog said...

Well, I liked him anyway.
Enough to forever capture him in mego-esque glory: